How we helped ICA increase relevant IT applications by 64%

We Select and ICA logos on above two smartphones displaying ICA's Facebook posts for developer job ads.
May 22, 2022

Project summary

ICA is one of Sweden's largest employers, with 1,300 stores and 50,000 employees across the country. As digitalization is one of ICA's biggest challenges, they want to invest more in digitalization and attract candidates in IT. Faced with a major recruitment period, ICA chose to partner with us at We Select. To create awareness of ICA as an attractive employer in IT, a targeted collection campaign was carried out in three stages on Sweden's largest social media platforms. By raising awareness of ICA IT, as well as smart job advertising of their IT jobs, we managed to exceed the results in terms of relevant applications, despite the increased competition in the market. This collaboration has also meant that ICA has been able to hire 5 candidates so far.

About ICA Sweden

With around 1,300 stores across the country, 50,000 employees and a market share of 36%, ICA is the leading grocery retailer in Sweden and one of the largest in the Nordic region. A full 94.2% of Swedish households choose to shop at ICA. Through this, ICA lives up to its business concept of being the leading retailer focusing on food and meals, and to continue to be the leading grocery player, ICA chooses to invest in digitalization.

Objectives & Purpose

  • To strengthen ICA IT's Employer Brand with relevant candidates in IT.
  • To reach out with ICA IT vacancies to active and passive candidates in IT.
  • To increase the number of relevant applications per post in IT to ICA.


In order to attract more applications from the best possible candidates in IT, ICA chose to focus on strengthening its Employer Brand, thereby highlighting why ICA is an attractive employer in IT. To achieve this goal, ICA chose to invest in targeted Employer Branding advertising on social media in three different stages. In the first stage of the campaign, we focused on creating awareness of ICA as an IT employer, targeting relevant candidates on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn. The first stage was followed by the second stage of the campaign, which was re-advertised to candidates who had taken part in the first stage of the collection campaign. The second stage focused on ICA IT's existing employees, to communicate why they have chosen ICA as an employer and how they experience their workplace. In order to give potential candidates an authentic and reliable image of ICA as an employer, the advertisement used a so-called Selfie concept, where selected ICA employees filmed themselves in selfie format, telling how they experience their work and how much impact their work has on ICA as a whole. In the third and final stage of the collection campaign, ICA vacancies in IT were advertised to the processed candidates from stage 1 and stage 2.


The cooperation between ICA and We Select has yielded great results, and after the collection campaign, the target for the cooperation was both met and exceeded.

  • +44% applications (since 2020)
  • +77 relevant applications in the third stage of the campaign, an increase of 64% since 2020.
  • -8% cost/relevant application (since 2020)
  • Hired 5 candidates

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